
       99子宫网编者按:58岁的Kim Kirchoff女士来自美国德克萨斯州,因患“结肠癌肝转移”于2011年1月17日到重庆医科大学附属第二医院HIFU肿瘤中心接受超声消融治疗。经过两次治疗后,MRI复查显示患者肝脏转移灶全部被超声消融灭活,患者恢复较好,于当月底出院。患者回国后不久来信,表达其感激之情。以下是来信翻译及原信内容。




       在前往中国之前,我对这次治疗这次旅行都感到茫然。Charla, Kathy, Caren陪伴我进入了一个完全不同的国度。我从这次的经历中体会到很多东西,生命的本质用一种非常直观的形式展现在我面前,辛苦工作所获却仅是日常所需,珍爱孩子宛若他们是最大的恩赐,生活在并不知道空间、清洁空气和纯净水是什么的环境中。这就是一个拥有3300万人口的城市的日常生活,我们仿佛进入了一个和我们不同的超现实的世界。

       在我们彷徨的时候上帝派天使来指引我们的方向。我们将永远感激 Faith, Johan,Sharon,Bill 和崔小姐所做的一切。我们结下了深厚的友谊,并向他们致以崇高的敬意,上帝一如既往地呵护着我们。这些新朋友们用他们自己也许都没有完全意识到的方式在帮助着我们,多年以前我就坚信:"过去我所做的一切不重要,将来我可能做的也不重要,只有此时此刻我的所作所为才是最重要的。"但是这种信念在去中国治疗之后才显得如此真切。上帝让我目睹了治疗的分分秒秒中每一个重要的时刻,不是为了关注治疗步骤与美国如何不同,而是为了感受我在中国接受治疗受到了多少祝福,而并不是很多美国人都有机会体验的。




Dear Ones:
I returned from a successful trip to China on Feb. 4.  Since then, I've been wrestling with how to communicate what really happened there.  Yes, they were able to eradicate the tumors in my liver. For that, I am most grateful to the Chinese medical staff and to God.  I still have the tumors in my lungs since HIFU cannot work on that  area. 

 I am continuing chemo for that.I am puzzled, however, by how I feel about the treatment and the trip.  Charla, Kathy, Caren and I entered a world very different from  ours.  I, for one, learned a great deal from the experience. The basics of life were present in a very visible way.  Working hard for little just to provide enough to get through each day, cherishing children as the true blessing they are, living in an environment where space, clean air, and pure water are not known; these are the things of everyday life in a city of 33 million people. We felt surreal, not quite ourselves.

God placed angels in our path who guided us when we didn't know we needed guidance.  For Faith, Johan, Sharon, Bill, and Cui, we will always be grateful.  Friendships were formed; our respect is utmost, and God's provision is ever faithful.  Each of these new friends helped in ways they will never fully know.  Our faith was strengthened through their appearance in our lives.Years ago, I was struck by the following thought:  "It is not what I have done that counts, nor what I may or will do in the future; it is only what I do here and now that matters."  Never was that more true than in China while undergoing treatment.  God made sure I kept my eye on what was important at each minute during treatment, not how it differered from treatment practices in the USA, but how blessed I was to be in China receiving treatment to which few have access. 

Without my friends beside me, I could not have made the journey.  Without parents who taught me, I wouldn't have known how.  Without God directing me, I would have been lost. None of us exist alone.  We are each surrounded by those who stand and wait, ready to hold our hand when we ask, if we only look outside ourselves and welcome them.I pray that each of us will live this day to the fullest, looking and finding the many blessings we have.

In Joy and Peace,


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